Check out my new wall art! Not bad for being just a big piece of leftover drywall with some spilled paint on it, right? I've been wanting to try paint pouring for a long time but never wanted to mess up a canvas. I didn't like the idea of wasting time or paint on something that might not turn out either. The funny thing is now I partially regret not doing this on a real canvas because it turned out so well.
Anyways, this was fun, really fun! (Never mind that stressful moment in the pouring process where you think it's not going to turn out.) If you've never watched any dirty pour or paint pour videos, you need to. Check out this video for an introduction
into paint pouring. (The link above is a simple explanation of a dirty pour, from there you can find endless videos of pour techniques. If you check that out, please give that video a like while you're at it :) ) Many poured paintings have lots of (what people call) 'cells' and they can even look much more fluid than the one I made depending on the paint additives you use or simply depending on how watered down your paint is. The paint I mixed for this painting was still fairly thick and a bit hard to spread.
My husband was throwing out all the drywall scraps from a basement remodel project that we did over the winter. It was difficult not to see them as (free) blank canvases so I set aside a stash of the bigger pieces to use for future DIYs. I also had some cups of paint that need to be dealt with from the basement project too. The piece of drywall I used for this painting is about 26" by 36" and is heavier than a canvas and will need a frame built for it, but that won't be too hard to make.
The more Floetrol (or water) you mix into your paint the more fluid your painting will look, I didn't use much. (Floetrol can be found in the paint section of a hardware store, it's used as a replacement for more expensive alternatives found in artist supply stores.) The colors I used were white (primer), light blue, dark teal, hunter green, and gold. You mix each color you plan to use in a disposable cup with whatever additive you want and to whatever consistency. Then, some of each color gets poured into another container to pour onto your canvas (or in my case, a big hunk of drywall) when you've added enough of your mixed paints. The paints I used are what I had handy and would've matched my new basement floor finish, though I'm not so sure I'll be putting it down there now. What do you think? Is this dirty pour project more like basement or living room art? Unlike many of my other projects, I will definitely be doing a paint pour again soon!